Ginger Steamed Cake

Created By: Mikayla Cox – Colorado ProStart Student

For those who eat with their eyes first, this show-stopping dessert from Colorado ProStart student Mikayla Cox won’t disappoint. 


Blood Orange Buttercream Frosting

Raspberry Sauce

Sugar Art


Step 1:

Fill a pot halfway with water and bring to a boil.

Step 2:

In a bowl, combine all-purpose flour, baking powder, and ground ginger and whisk well to combine

Step 3:

In another bowl, whisk the egg, milk, sugar, and vegetable oil together until combined.

Step 4:

Pour the egg mixture into the flour mixture and mix until smooth.

Step 5:

Spray ramekins with baking spray with flour and divide the batter into the four ramekins.

Step 6:

Place the four ramekins in a steamer.

Step 7:

Place a half size cookie rack on pot of boiling water and then place steamer on top of rack.

Step 8:

Cook for ten minutes or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean without wet batter.

Step 9:

Turn off the heat and remove ramekins from steamer to let cool. Then remove cakes from ramekins.

Step 10:

Cut tops off the cakes, making four flat mini cakes.

Step 11:

Assembly cake by placing one in center of plate. Then pipe frosting on top with raspberry sauce in the middle, and place the second and final cake on top, finishing with a final swirl of frosting.

Method: Blood Orange Buttercream Frosting

Step 1:

Hand beat shortening and butter together in a bowl until smooth

Step 2:

Gradually add sifted confectioners’ sugar, eight ounces at a time.

Step 3:

Add milk, mixing until completely incorporated.

Step 4:

Add blood orange zest and blood orange juice. Beat until light and fluffy.

Step 5:

Pipe frosting in between two layers of cake, leaving an empty space in the middle to place raspberry sauce.

Step 6:

On top of second mini cake, place a final swirl of frosting.

Method: Raspberry Sauce

Step 1:

In a saucepan over medium heat, stir together raspberries, sugar, and four ounces of water until the sugar is dissolved.

Step 2:

Heat the mixture to boiling, stirring often. Reduce heat and add the vanilla.

Step 3:

In a small cup, combine the cornstarch and three ounces of water. Mix well

Step 4:

Pour this into the boiling raspberry mixture. Stir and boil over medium-low heat for four minutes or until the mixture has thickened a bit.

Step 5:

Remove the pan from the heat.

Step 6:

Add half of an ounce of butter and mix until the butter has completely melted.

Step 7:

Use a strainer to separate the seeds from the sauce.

Step 8:

Allow the mixture to cool. 9. Pour sauce into a squeeze bottle.

Step 9:

Pour sauce into a squeeze bottle.

Step 10:

Pour eight symmetrically placed dots of sauce around the end of plate.

Step 11:

Use a plating spoon, swoop the sauce in towards the center.

Step 12:

In between the two layers of mini cake and in the center of the hole made by the frosting, pour raspberry sauce.

Method: Sugar Art

Step 1:

Combine the sugar and water in a small, heavy saucepan. Stir over low heat until the sugar dissolves.

Increase heat to medium and cook (without disturbing) until the caramel reaches a very light amber color (watch carefully, as this will happen very quickly). Use a pastry brush to brush the sides of the pan with water to prevent crystallization. Remove caramel from heat immediately.

Step 2:

Allow caramel to cool just until very, very thin wispy strands form when drizzled with a fork. Dipping your fork repeatedly into the sugar mixture, whip the strands of sugar back and forth quickly across the rolling pin being held in the air over wax paper to form long, hanging strands of sugar.

Step 3:

Repeat until you have accumulated enough sugar to pick up with your hand. While it is still pliable, grab the two ends of the sugar and bring together forming a fluffy, free-form shape. If the caramel hardens too much as you work, place back over low heat just until it begins to loosen up a bit.

Step 4:

On top of the frosting swirl place three fresh raspberries in the center and gently lay the small sugar nest on top.

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Blood Orange Buttercream Frosting

Raspberry Sauce

Sugar Art

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